Shell - Fuel Water Detector | JM-3764


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Shell - Fuel Water Detector | JM-3764


What is a fuel water detector?

A fuel water detector can be used in jet fuel to find out if there is any water that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

In the case of the Shell Water Detector, it’s a capsule that you attach to a syringe, which you use to draw out 5ml of jet fuel. When testing jet fuel with the Shell Water Detector, watch to see if it changes color from yellow to blue; this means that there is water.

Why do I need a fuel water detector?

Using a fuel water detector will help you find out if water has got into your fuel and allow you to deal with it before it becomes a problem for your aircraft.

Free water in aviation fuel can lead to ice formation, filter blockages, and consequent engine failure. It can also allow microbial growth in fuel tanks, which can cause fuel spoiling and filter blocking. Acids generated by the microbes can even cause corrosion damage.

Low concentrations of water suspended in fuel cannot be detected by visual inspections.

Why choose Shell Water Detector?

Developed by Shell to address aircraft operational issues associated with ice formation in aircraft fuel tanks, Shell Water Detector is an easy-to-use, reliable and simple industry-standard test method that verifies that jet fuel meets the demanding aviation standards for water content.

It detects the presence in jet fuels of finely dispersed water that is undetectable by the eye and gives assurance to the user that the industry limits for water-free jet fuel are maintained.

When to use fuel water detectors

Water can get into your jet fuel at every stage of the supply chain. The Joint Inspection Group (JIG), which sets the standards for aviation fuel supply, requires you to test your jet fuel at every stage.

Use fuel water detectors daily to test the fuel stored in in-service tanks, hydrant filter drains, loading filter drains, fueller filter drains, hydrant dispensers, fueller tanks, and trailer tanks.

New, easy-to-use tubes, enhanced quality assurance
A few years ago, an international flight touched down short of the runway because of “accreted ice from within the fuel system”. With lives at stake, no reputable operator would risk compromising on the quality of its water testing kits.

The SHELL WATER DETECTOR is manufactured following strict quality assurance standards in a purpose-built, humidity-controlled facility. The manufacturer has ISO 9001:2008 accreditation for quality management, which covers manufacture, assembly, packaging, and supply. The Shell Water Detector is proven and now comes in easier-to-use packaging, which is designed to enhance product quality assurance even further.

New look boxes
Each new-look box contains the same number of capsules (80), but there are now 8 tubes with 10 capsules per tube: previously, 8 capsules in 10 tubes. This change is permitted by the replacement of a desiccant sachet with a coating and reduces packaging waste.

Trusted worldwide
For over 50 years, operators across the world have relied on the Shell Water Detector to check their aviation fuel for suspended water that cannot be detected by visual inspections. The detector capsules are widely used, thanks to their effectiveness and simplicity.

Imitations are available, but, for quality you can trust, we recommend using the original, internationally recognized, an industry-standard that is the Shell Water Detector.

New, easier to use packaging
Screw-top tubes can be difficult to use, especially when wearing gloves. We understand the importance of sampling efficiently while wearing the correct personal protective equipment, which is why our new Shell Water Detector tubes have flip caps. These are easy to open and seal with one hand while wearing gloves. We also recommend using reverse-action syringes, which draw samples in when the plunger is pushed – an action that can be performed easily using one hand.

Enhanced product quality assurance
You need to be confident that each capsule is ready to use.

  • The Shell Water Detector kits continue to be manufactured to high-quality standards.
  • The new desiccant-coated tubes are medical-grade quality, which helps to ensure that the capsules remain protected during the rigors of use.
  • The new tubes help to ensure that the remaining capsules are protected from moisture, through:
    • simple flip tops, which are easier to seal from the air
    • an all-over desiccant coating, which has replaced the desiccant sachet placed at one end of the tube. This improves the protection of the capsules against ambient moisture, especially in humid locations.

Other known Part Numbers: SWD , AER3019